即將結業【11月線上課程】維持高品質QA :從系統建構、聯結、溝通與應用 (全修班)  

2023/11/04~12/09 (每周六) (09:30~12:30 / 13:30~16:30) 
【雙證書班】維持高品質QA :從系統建構、聯結、溝通與應用 (全修班)

【課程規劃專家及授課講師】張簡雅青博士 ( 前生達化學製藥總經理室協理&品質系統總監)  
【上課方式】 本梯次採用線上課程(Zoom系統) 
【預計開課/時間】2023/11/4~12/9 (每周六) (09:30~12:30 / 13:30~16:30) 
     合計: 六週 第六週上課至12:30   (總時數: 33小時)
【線上報名】 我要預約  <---- 請點選 搶先預約報名享早鳥優惠價
【測驗時間】倒數第二堂課線上考試 (線上測驗: 答題時間40分鐘)
【課程大綱】(正式課綱將有異動, 於正式開放報名前公告, 此為預排表) 最後更新日期2023/08/24
  1. 11/4 上午Documentation program
    • Define different types of documents created for routine practices
    • How to manage and control the lifecycle of the associated documents
    • Frequently asked questions
    • 483 case study
  1.  11/4 下午Facility and equipment qualification and requalification program
    • Define the practices associated with qualification and calibration program
    • How to establish an efficient requalification program, composed of facilities, utilities and equipment 
    • Illustrate IQ/OQ/PQ documents with some equipment, including production and QC test equipment  
    • Frequently asked questions
    • 483 case study
  1. 11/11 上午 Change management
    • How to improvement the efficiency of change control program
    • Explain the most recent PIC/S PI054-1, 2021 “How to evaluate and demonstrate the effectiveness of PQS in relation to Risk-based change management
    • Frequently asked questions
    • 483 case study
  1. 11/11下午 Out-of-specification program
    • Highlight the principles in MHRA OOS guideline
    • Briefing of US FDA OOS guidance : Investigating OOS Test Results for Pharmaceutical product, May 2022
    • Explain the procedure for chemical and Microbial OOS investigation
    • Emphasize aspects in TR 88 : Microbial Data Deviation Investigations in the Pharmaceutical Industry   
    • 483 case study
  1.  11/18 上午 Deviation program
    • Explain the essential factors for deviation program
    • How to improve the efficacy and efficiency within deviation program
    • Investigation toolbox
    • Frequently asked questions
    • 483 case study
  1.  11/18 下午 Stability program
    • Highlight the paramount aspects derived from related ICH stability guidelines, including ICH Q1A, Q1B, Q1C, Q1D, Q1E, Q1F
    • Frequently asked questions
    • 483 case study
  1. 11/25 上午 Method validation and method verification  
    • Interpretation of method validation and method verification
    • Implementation of microbial method suitability study
    • Frequently asked questions
    • 483 case study
  1. 11/25 下午 Non-sterile Environment monitoring  
    • Basic principles of Environment monitoring
    • Point out the essences of USP 1115: Bioburden control of nonsterile drug substances and products
    • Frequently asked questions
    • 483 case study
  1. 12/2 上午 Sterile facility environment monitoring  
    • Sources of microbial contamination
    • Emphasize the importance of USP 1116: Microbial control and monitoring of aseptic processing environments
    • Frequently asked questions
    • 483 case study
  1.  12/2 下午 Point-to-consider in Aseptic processing area  
    • Control of high-risk aseptic process
    • Proper design of ISO 5 cleanroom
    • Contamination control strategy
    • 483 case study
 <今日課後測驗> 期末考範圍:單元1~10 (線上測驗)
  1. 12/9 上午 (結業)Point-to-consider in Annex 1- CCS  
    • Highlight important aspects in ISPE Risk Mapp
    • ICH Q9 toolkit
    • CCS perspectives
    • 483 case study 本日上課至中午12:30 (3小時) 只上半天課
 【證書資格】雙證書資格及核發辦法,參考如下: (線上測驗)
  1. 【結業證書】須出席滿80%時數以上 (27小時),紙本掛號郵寄
  2. 【測驗合格證書】為協助學員掌握關鍵知識、技術及內化應用,並驗證課程設計與學習之有效性,亦參照TTQS訓練品質系統及手冊、ADDIE課程設計之精神等,本梯次將統一辦理期末測驗,各主題單元須達:70分以上(滿分:100分),題型由講師設計,並將於課程結業前一周上課安排測驗(16:30~17:30),於訓後1個月內於學院官網將公告【測驗合格名單】並開始寄發測驗合格證書(紙本掛號郵寄)。證書效期:3年,發照單位:台灣生物產業發展協會,如無須取得本證書者當日可免參加考試。本考試無法補考,證書遺失或需補發工本費為:NT:500元,效期無法展延。
  3. 如有未詳盡事宜可來電洽詢。
 【考試費用】參加本梯次考試者,考試及發證費用: 免費(學費已內含 )
【上課方式】 本梯次採用線上課程(Zoom系統) 
【預計開課/時間】2023/11/4~12/9 (每周六) (09:30~12:30 / 13:30~16:30) 
     合計: 六週 第六週上課至12:30   (總時數: 33小時)
【線上報名】 我要報名  <---- 請點選

  1. 非團體會員NT$22,000
  2. 協會團體會員NT$ 19,800
  3.  10/1前線上預約, 可先享有報名早鳥優惠價 NT$ 18,800 (限額/限時)
  4. 同公司二人以上報名及繳費 享有優惠價 NT$ 18,800
  5. 原本班年度舊生(回訓) 可享【好學優惠價】 NT$ 15,000(限額五人額滿為止!)
  6. 以上費用包含講義及證書費用
    【諮詢專線】02-2783 6028 分機11或分機12 歡迎來電
    (注意事項:以上課綱及開課日期/授課師資/場地..等; 本協會保有異動權,如有變動將會提前通知)