2019/08/17(週六) 09:30 ~12:30 13:30~16:30(恭喜結業)
<細胞治療系列>課程主題 :免疫細胞及幹細胞新藥開發(6小時)
【規劃專家】蕭世嘉博士(Sonny Hsiao/育世博生技)領銜邀請相關專家業師親自授課,蕭博士自台大化學系畢業後,即獲李遠哲博士獎學金前往美國加州柏克萊分校攻讀博士,潛心投入免役細胞治療研究,本次實務經驗教學主題規畫為四大主題單元(課程)如下:
1. Latest Update of Immune Cell Therapy
2. Business Models and Opportunities in Regenerative Medicine
3. Quality Control and Assessment for Therapeutic Cell-Based Product
4. New Cell Therapy Regulations in Taiwan
Regulatory guidelines and requirements for cell therapies in Taiwan
Challenges and experiences for cell therapy program development in Taiwan
<授課師資>Acepodia育世博生物科技 -- Weilun Lo (Direct of BD)
【上課日期】2019/8/17 ,共6小時,9:30-12:30 / 13:30-16:30(午休12:30~13:30)
【上課地點】台北市大安區和平東路二段106號4樓(科技大樓) 近:和平東路/復興南路口
【諮詢專線】02-77003883 分機11或 分機12 歡迎來電
(注意事項:以上課綱及開課日期/授課師資/場地..等; 本協會保有異動權,如有變動將會提前通知)
<細胞治療系列>課程主題 :免疫細胞及幹細胞新藥開發(6小時)
【規劃專家】蕭世嘉博士(Sonny Hsiao/育世博生技)領銜邀請相關專家業師親自授課,蕭博士自台大化學系畢業後,即獲李遠哲博士獎學金前往美國加州柏克萊分校攻讀博士,潛心投入免役細胞治療研究,本次實務經驗教學主題規畫為四大主題單元(課程)如下:
1. Latest Update of Immune Cell Therapy
- Latest update of immune cell therapy such as CAR-T;
- The challenge of CMC and pre-clinical cell therapy development;
- Experience of an immune cell therapy start-up.
2. Business Models and Opportunities in Regenerative Medicine
- Concepts of Business Model and Strategies
- Situational Analysis - Regenerative Medicine
- Opportunities and Risks
- Conceptual BM and examples in Regenerative Medicine
3. Quality Control and Assessment for Therapeutic Cell-Based Product
- Product characterization of cell-based product
- Central role of potency assessment of cell-based product quality
- Development of potency assay in the advanced clinical trial.
4. New Cell Therapy Regulations in Taiwan
Regulatory guidelines and requirements for cell therapies in Taiwan
Challenges and experiences for cell therapy program development in Taiwan
<授課師資>Acepodia育世博生物科技 -- Weilun Lo (Direct of BD)
【上課日期】2019/8/17 ,共6小時,9:30-12:30 / 13:30-16:30(午休12:30~13:30)
【上課地點】台北市大安區和平東路二段106號4樓(科技大樓) 近:和平東路/復興南路口
- 非會員:原價:NT 4,800 (含稅價)
- 本協會團體會員NT: 4,500 (含稅價)
- 舊生好康:特別早鳥優惠價: NT 3,800(含稅價)
- 非會員或舊生:相同公司或相同團體2人以上同時報名,將可享團報優惠價: 3,800元(含稅價)
【諮詢專線】02-77003883 分機11或 分機12 歡迎來電
(注意事項:以上課綱及開課日期/授課師資/場地..等; 本協會保有異動權,如有變動將會提前通知)