2021/ 6/19 6/26 7/3 7/10 (共四天) 每週六(09:30~12:30 / 13:30~16:30)
【課程規劃專家】陳華鍵 博士(行動基因/執行長暨共同創辦人)及陳淑貞博士【上課日期/時間】】6/19 6/26 7/3 7/10 (共四天) 共4週 (總時數:24小時)
(週六) 09:30~16:30 午休: 12:30~13:30
【線上報名】 我要報名<-)疫情優惠價: 線上課程 只要 NT 12,000 ( 限時限額)
本課程提供結訓學員 :實體結業證書+區塊鍊數位加密證書 (雙證書:限前二十人)
* 為維護數位課程品質, 每日會有線上<隨堂考>或<作業>需於指定時間內完成
*部分單元如有<課前閱讀或預習資料> 請學員務必提前閱讀熟
(1) 精準醫療發展歷程與各國執行現況 (陳華鍵 博士、3小時) -實務入門
Development history and current status of precision medicine
- Overview of precision medicine : the concept and foundations of precision medicine
- Development status of precision medicine in US, Europe, Taiwan and Asia countries
- Clinical adaption of precision medicine
Core technology to develop precision medicine
- Genomic technology : next generation sequencing (NGS)
- Transcriptomic technology : DNA microarray
- Principle of bioinformatics and medical informatics
- Education and training of specialized personnel
Clinical application of precision medicine (I) : genetic testing for hereditary diseases
- Germline mutations in monogenetic disorders
- Hereditary cancer syndromes and related genes
- Genetic testing and risk assessment for high risk subjects
- Role of genetic counselling in genetic testing
- Case study and specialized personnel training
Clinical application of precision medicine (II) : genetic alterations and precision cancer therapy
- Genetic alterations drive cancer formation
- Genetic mutations and anticancer targeted therapy
- Genetic mutations and tumor immunotherapy
- Acquired mutations and anticancer drug resistance
- Case study and specialized personnel training
Precision medicine in drug discovery and development
- Precision medicine in drug target identification
- Precision medicine accelerate drug development and clinical study
- Future trend of drug Rx-Dx co-development
- Case study and personnel training
內容涵蓋精準醫療大數據的內涵與特色、精準醫療大數據在基礎研究與臨床應用、基因體數據庫建立與應用、臨床醫藥資料庫建立、AI 在精準醫療大數據的應用。
Health care-related big data in precision medicine era
- Precision medicine and healthcare-related data and database
- Genomic data generation, collection and future application
- Implementation and characterization of bioinformatics and medical informatics databases
- AI technology for precision medicine data analysis
- Specialized personnel demand and training
內容涵蓋歐美國家基因檢測相關法規與指引、應運精準醫療在法規上的修正、台灣 LDTS 特別法。
Regulations and guidelines for precision medicine
- Guidelines and regulations related to precision medicine in US
- Guidelines and regulations related to precision medicine in Europe
- Guidelines and regulations related to precision medicine in Taiwan
- Guidelines and regulations related to precision medicine in other Asian countries
Industrial development of precision medicine
- The value chain and market of precision medicine
- Market and potential for precision medicine related instruments and reagents
- Market and potential for precision medicine related data analysis
- Market and potential for precision medicine related genetic testing
- Market and potential for precision medicine related drug discovery
- Case study
*訓後公司參訪 ( 現場參訪 : 陳華鍵 & 陳淑貞 、2小時):(參訪不列入訓練時數 需視疫情狀況辦理)
以行動基因定位在癌症精準醫療爲案例,介紹公司在精準醫療的定位與理念、核心技術的建立、臨床檢測的範疇與醫院合作模式、公司與國際藥廠的合作模式、公司檢測服務品質系統與法規制度建立、人才訓練與培育。 (參訪當日將提供團體旅行平安險,交通方式須自理)
【【線上報名】 我要報名<-----疫情優惠價: 線上課程 只要 NT 12,000 ( 限時限額)
- 非本會團體會員NT$16,800
- 本會團體會員NT$ 15,800
- 同公司2人以上同行可享有團體報名優惠價 NT$ 15,000
- 疫情優惠價: 線上課程 只要 NT 12,000 ( 限時限額)
- 【諮詢專線】02-27836028 分機11或分機12 歡迎來電
(注意事項:以上課程大綱及開課日期/授課師資/場地等; 本協會保有異動權,如有變動將會提前通知)