
Precision Medicine Core Technology and Clinical Application – Introductory Course
【課程規劃專家】陳華鍵 博士(行動基因/執行長暨共同創辦人)及陳淑貞博士
【上課時間】09:30~12:30 & 13:30~16:30
【線上報名】 報名截止
【上課方式】線上(同步)教學;上課連結於開課前email 及透過本班級LINE群組提供
【講義教材】 採每周紙本掛號郵寄至報名時指定收件地址
 【課程費用】 *防疫提醒:如因應疫情公告升級,將改採線上方式進行
   【報名優惠費用】 一次報名2課程(初階+進階) 只要: 23,000 
  1. 非本會團體會員NT$16,800
  2. 本會團體會員NT$ 14,800
  3. 同公司2人以上同行可享有團體報名優惠價 NT$ 13,000
  4.  5/1 前早鳥優惠價只要 NT 13,000 ( 限時限額優惠中) 

  1. Development history and current status of precision medicine
Date: May 14, 2022: 9:30am ~ 12:30pm
Lecturer: Hua-Chien Chen, Ph.D., CEO, ACT Genomics
  • Overview of precision medicine: the concept and foundations of precision medicine
  • Development status of precision medicine in US, Europe, Taiwan, and Asia countries
  • Clinical adaption of precision medicine
  1. Core technology to develop precision medicine(精準醫療核心技術:基因晶片與次世代基因定序技術)
Date: May 14, 2022: 1:30pm ~ 4:30pm
Lecturer: Hua-Chien Chen, Ph.D., CEO, ACT Genomics
  • Genomic technology: next-generation sequencing (NGS)
  • Transcriptomic technology: DNA microarray
  • Principle of bioinformatics and medical informatics
  1. Clinical application of precision medicine (I): genetic testing for hereditary diseases(精準醫療臨床應用 (I):基因突變與遺傳疾病篩檢)
Date: May 21, 2022: 9:30am ~ 12:30pm
Lecturer: Shu-Jen Chen, Ph.D., CSO, ACT Genomics
  • Germline mutations in monogenetic disorders
  • Hereditary cancer syndromes and related genes
  • Genetic testing and risk assessment for high-risk subjects
  • Role of genetic counseling in genetic testing
  • Case study
  1. Clinical application of precision medicine (II): genetic alterations and precision cancer therapy (精準醫療臨床應用 (II):基因變異與癌症精準治療)

Date: May 21, 2022: 1:30pm ~ 4:30pm
Lecturer: Shu-Jen Chen, Ph.D., CSO, ACT Genomics
  • Genetic alterations drive cancer formation
  • Genetic mutations and anticancer targeted therapy
  • Genetic mutations and tumor immunotherapy
  • Acquired mutations and anticancer drug resistance
  • Case study
  1. Precision medicine in drug discovery and development
Date: May 28, 2022: 9:30am ~ 12:30pm
Lecturer: Shu-Jen Chen, Ph.D. , CSO, ACT Genomics
  • Precision medicine in drug target identification
  • Precision medicine accelerate drug development and clinical study
  • Future trend of drug Rx-Dx co-development
  • Case study
  1. Healthcare-related big data in precision medicine era
Date: May 28, 2022: 1:30pm ~ 4:30pm
Lecturer: Shu-Jen Chen, Ph.D., CSO, ACT Genomics
  • Precision medicine and healthcare-related data and database
  • Genomic data generation, collection, and future application
  • Implementation and characterization of bioinformatics and medical informatics databases
  • AI technology for precision medicine data analysis
  1. Regulations and guidelines for precision medicine(精準醫療的法規環境)
Date: Jun. 11, 2022: 9:30am ~ 12:30pm
Lecturer: Pei-Fang Chung, Associate Director, Regulatory Affairs Division, ACT Genomics
  • Guidelines and regulations related to precision medicine in the US
  • Guidelines and regulations related to precision medicine in Europe
  • Guidelines and regulations related to precision medicine in Taiwan
  • Guidelines and regulations related to precision medicine in other Asian countries
  1. Industrial development of precision medicine(精準醫療產業發展)
Date: Jun. 11, 2022: 1:30pm ~ 4:30pm
Lecturer: Hua-Chien Chen, Ph.D. , CEO, ACT Genomics
  • The value chain and market of precision medicine
  • Market and potential for precision medicine-related instruments and reagents
  • Market and potential for precision medicine-related data analysis
  • Market and potential for precision medicine-related genetic testing
  • Market and potential for precision medicine-related drug discovery
  • Case study

【上課時間】09:30~12:30 & 13:30~16:30
【課程費用】【報名優惠費用】 一次報名2課程(初階+進階) 只要: 23,000
  1. 非本會團體會員NT$16,800
  2. 本會團體會員NT$ 14,800
  3. 同公司2人以上同行可享有團體報名優惠價 NT$ 13,000
  4.  5/1 前早鳥優惠價只要 NT 13,000 ( 限時限額優惠中) 

【諮詢專線】02-27836028 分機11或分機12 歡迎來電
(注意事項:以上課程大綱及開課日期/授課師資/場地等; 本協會保有異動權,如有變動將會提前通知)