【精準醫療系列】精準醫療核心技術與臨床應用班 - 進階
2022/6/25、7/2、7/9、7/16(每週六,共四天)(24小時) (09:30~12:30 & 13:30~16:30
Precision Medicine Core Technology and Clinical Application – Advanced Course
【課程規劃專家】陳華鍵 博士(行動基因/執行長暨共同創辦人)及陳淑貞博士
【上課日期/時間】2022/6/25、7/2、7/9、7/16(每週六,共四天)(24小時) (09:30~12:30 & 13:30~16:30)
【線上報名】 如疫情升級將改為:線上課程
【上課地點】(課程異動為 :線上課程) *05/09修正
初階班課程資訊請點閱 <------click
【線上報名】 線上報名;
【諮詢專線】02-2783 6028 分機11或分機12 歡迎來電
(注意事項:以上課綱及開課日期/授課師資/場地..等; 本協會保有異動權,如有變動將會提前通知)
【課程規劃專家】陳華鍵 博士(行動基因/執行長暨共同創辦人)及陳淑貞博士
【上課日期/時間】2022/6/25、7/2、7/9、7/16(每週六,共四天)(24小時) (09:30~12:30 & 13:30~16:30)
【線上報名】 如疫情升級將改為:線上課程
【上課地點】(課程異動為 :線上課程) *05/09修正
- 非本會團體會員NT$16,800
- 本會團體會員NT$ 14,800
- 同公司2人以上同行可享有團體報名優惠價 NT$ 13,000
- 5/20前早鳥優惠價只要 NT 13,000 ( 限時限額優惠中)
初階班課程資訊請點閱 <------click
- Technology and Application Overview (精準醫療技術與應用)
Date: Jun. 25, 2022: 9:30am ~ 12:30pm
Lecturer: Hua-Chien Chen, Ph.D., CEO, ACT Genomics
- The concept and foundation of precision medicine
- Next-generation sequencing and precision medicine
- Impact of precision medicine in cancer management
- Adoption of precision medicine
- Clinical NGS: Samples Consideration for Precision Medicine 精準醫療進階技術:臨床樣本製備與考量
Date: Jun. 25, 2022: 1:30pm ~ 4:30pm
Lecturer: Yeh-Han J. Wong, M.D., Pathology & Medical Informatics Director, ACT Genomics
- Clinical samples used in precision medicine
- Quality of clinical samples
- Quantity of clinical samples
- Clinical sample: sampling timing and sites
- Clinical NGS: Target Enrichment and Sequencing精準醫療進階技術:文庫與定序技術
Date: Jul. 2, 2022: 9:30am ~ 12:30pm
Lecturer: Shu-Jen Chen, Ph.D., CSO, ACT Genomics
- Hotspots, panel, whole exome, whole genome sequencing
- DNA vs. RNA
- Amplification vs. Hybrid Capture enrichment
- Sequencing chemistry and platform
- Clinical NGS: Bioinformatics and Biomarker Determination精準醫療進階技術:基因變體與生物標誌的測定
Date: Jul. 2, 2022: 1:30pm ~ 4:30pm
Lecturer: Shu-Jen Chen, Ph.D., CSO, ACT Genomics
- Sequence variants: SNV, MNV and Indels
- Structure variants: CNV, LGR
- Tumor Mutational Burden
- Microsatellite instability
- Homologous recombination deficiency
- Variant Classification and Clinical Interpretation精準醫療進階技術::基因變異分類與臨床解讀
Date: Jul. 9 2022: 9:30am ~ 12:30pm
Lecturer: Yeh-Han J. Wong, M.D., Pathology & Medical Informatics Director, ACT Genomics
- Variant classification and interpretation
- Disease-gene-drug association
- Clinical actionability evidence level
- Cutoff for complex biomarkers
- Regulatory Path for Precision Medicine: Strategy and Consideration精準醫療監管路徑:策略與考量
Date: Jul. 9, 2022: 1:30pm ~ 4:30pm
Lecturer: Shu-Jen Chen, Ph.D. CSO, ACT Genomics
- Service vs Product
- RUO vs. LDT vs. IVD vs. CDx
- Single site vs. Distributed kit
- Service/Product life cycle management
- Integrate Precision Oncology into Drug Discovery and Development精準醫療與藥物研發的結合
Date: Jul. 16, 2022: 9:30am ~ 12:30pm
Lecturer: Shu-Jen Chen, Ph.D. CSO, ACT Genomics
- Collaboration stage
- Collaboration model
- Co-development consideration
- Vendor-sponsor relationship
- Business Model of Precision Medicine精準醫療的商業模式
Date: Jul. 16, 2022: 1:30pm ~ 4:30pm
Lecturer: Hua-Chien Chen, Ph.D. , CEO, ACT Genomics
- Laboratory as a service (SaaS) model
- Software as a service (SaaS) model
- Data as a service (DaaS) model
- Real world data
【線上報名】 線上報名;
- 非本會團體會員NT$16,800
- 本會團體會員NT$ 14,800
- 同公司2人以上同行可享有團體報名優惠價 NT$ 13,000
- 5/20前早鳥優惠價只要 NT 13,000 ( 限時限額優惠中)
- 【報名優惠費用】 一次報名2課程(初階+進階) 只要: 23,000
【諮詢專線】02-2783 6028 分機11或分機12 歡迎來電
(注意事項:以上課綱及開課日期/授課師資/場地..等; 本協會保有異動權,如有變動將會提前通知)